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Los Angeles
Saturday, March 29, 2025


What Is FOMO? | Maybe You Have This Problem

The Internet is a great source of connection between people nowadays. However, this internet connection started influencing our feelings, thinking as well as our behavior. According to the latest...

What Is FOMO? | Maybe You Have This Problem

The Internet is a great source of connection between people nowadays. However, this internet...

5 Most Scary Places in the World

Have you ever been to scary or haunted places anywhere in the world? No?...

Men’s Mental Health | Why It is Important to Talk About It?

Surveys from around the globe find that men talk very little about their mental...

Latest Research in Sleep: Teens Having Late Sleep Pattern Eat More & Delay Their Tasks

Nowadays, people are not paying attention to their sleep schedule. They remain busy in...

Sleep Peacefully: Mental Tricks That Will Calm Your Mind

Can you fall asleep peacefully? If no, then this article can be useful for you to enjoy some better sleep. Life is getting busier...

Finger Splint | Medical Conditions That Require Splints

When you have an injured or aching fingers, doctors advise you to keep it still till healing complete. Today, life become too much fast...

WHO: Africa Is On Track of Improvement From Pandemic

The World Health Oranization’s Reginal Head of Continent Africa said that all African countries are on track now to control coronavirus and its variants...

Twix Bar: Does Twix have Peanuts?

The Twix candy bar is one of the best-selling bars all around the globe. Twix is famous due to its delicious taste. It has...

Wisdom Teeth: When Can I Eat Regular Food After Tooth Extraction

The third set of molars in the backside of the mouth is wisdom teeth. It comes with the age between 17 to 25 years,...

Omicron | Jacinda Ardern, The PM Of New Zealand Is in Self-Isolation

Jacinda Ardrern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand self-isolating herself until Tuesday after coming in close contact with Covid-19 positive case. The exposure of the...

CDC Predicted More Covid-19 Deaths in Next Four Weeks

On Wednesday, the US Center of Disease Control and Prevention published a prediction that within next four weeks above 62,000 people could die due...

Booster Shots of Vaccine are highly Effective Against Omicron | CDC

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNtech Covid-19 vaccine booster shots are 90% effective against Omicron infection. These booster...

New York Is Wining Battle Against Omicron | Mayor Eric Adams

On Tuesday, the New York Mayor, Mr Eric Adams said that New York is winning its battle against the latest variant of Omicron. Still,...

Plant Based Food Decreases the Risk of Cognitive Impairment among Elderly

Nowadays people focus on everything except their own health. They wish to have latest mobile, car, computer and everything that is essential for life....

Mental Health During Pandemic: Prevalence of Anxiety and Stress Among People

Our world is fighting with the Covid-19 pandemic from the year 2020. Several families lost their dear ones due to this deadly infection. Furthermore,...

USA’s Covid-19 Hospitalizations Outpaced Delta’s Peak | HHS Data

According to the USA Department of Health and Human Services Data, a current rate of Covid-19 hospitalization in the USA is higher than the...

Our Schools are Safe for Children | American President

The American president said that schools remained open despite the current situation of the Omicron cases in the USA. He told parents that if...

Belgium Reduced the Isolation Time of Covid-19

The health authority of Belgium announced that in the coming days, Belgium will make changes in the policies of covid-19 quarantine. In the present...

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