New York Is Wining Battle Against Omicron | Mayor Eric Adams

New York Is Wining Battle Against Omicrom | Mayor Eric Adams

On Tuesday, the New York Mayor, Mr Eric Adams said that New York is winning its battle against the latest variant of Omicron. Still, the number of infected cases and hospitalizations is high. But, the optimistic statement of New York Mayor is based on the slight drop of Omicron cases in the state.

In addition to his optimistic statement, the Mayor added that the people continue following the precautions and wear masks to win this battle completely.

At City Hall, in one news conference, the Mayor said that it is clear that New York is in winning position against Omicron, Moreover, he added that we will surely win because we are tough and strong.

There is no doubt that in New York the record number of daily cases is falling down from the peak high of the 40,000 cases to 20,000 cases. According to the Live Covid-19 data, still new cases of Omicron infection are coming to hospitals. Moreover, the daily citywide count of Omicron infection cases also decreases from 8,500 per day to 6,500.

Indeed, the statement of New York Mayor is true, the count of infected cases is going to decrease gradually. The Mayor also encourages the public to work in their offices without any fear, but with safety measures. There is a need to remain careful because still, the number of daily recorded cases is higher than the last winter, he added.

Mr Adams also added that the government is trying to keep the schools open for students. The students are also returning back to school after a long break and things are coming to their track slowly. There is an expectation that very soon the situation will become normal. Once again the life become smooth and overall world will become the same as it was before.