States Of US Announced “Snow Emergency” Due to Intense Winter Storm

States Of US Announced Snow Emergency Due to Intense Winter Storm

The warnings of the Blizzard are issued and governors of the different states of the US are announcing ” Snow Emergency” and told people to stay at home.

Mayor Michelle Wu announced emergency in Boston, which will start from tonight 9 p.m. ET Friday. The Wu said that people should remain inside their homes to save themselves and families from this deadly storm.

It will be historic storm, a great one, the Mayor said in a press conference.

On Saturday, the snowfall will take its peak and then on Sunday it is expected to vanish. In addition to this, there is also a risk of flooding, Wu added.

Furthermore, the 18 to 24 inches of snow and 40 to 50 miles per hour wind is expected. It is a dangerous and intense storm with strong winds and heavy snow.

The Governor of New Jersey also announced the emergency because of this deadly dangerous storm. At 5 pm. ET Friday, the emergency goes on and all offices will close at 3p.m. ET.

Murphy said that we advise people to stay home tonight and tomorrow also. In addition to this, Murphy said try to get all those things which you need for passing these snowy days and don’t try to come outside.

In the announcement, Murphy said that “We are hoping for the best, but we are preparing for the worst situation” 

Furthermore, Murphy asked people to report any power issues and downed their power lines.

According to the Franklin- Hodge, this storm is going to get a place in the record book. In addition to this also said that there is no expectation of normal things after this snow storm stops. It will take some time. The US is struggling with the Omicron infection and now this snow storm is disturbing people.