Latest Research in Sleep: Teens Having Late Sleep Pattern Eat More & Delay Their Tasks

teenagers having late sleep schedule eat more and less active
teenagers having late sleep schedule eat more and less active

Nowadays, people are not paying attention to their sleep schedule. They remain busy in their activities. Due to this reason, their body suffers from sleep deprivation as well as cause misalignment of their circadian rhythm. Peaceful sleep is very essential for healthy body.

Especially, teenagers of the current era have a late sleep schedule. Moreover, they use mobile during the night excessively. Therefore, their late sleep pattern affects their eating habit. Additionally, they delay their tasks more and become less active.

Teenagers having late sleep Schedule are less active during day

According to the latest research, teenagers who used to sleep late are less active and consume more carbohydrates. Their misalignment of circadian rhythm is directly associated with their high carbohydrate consumption and sedentary behavior.

Researchers presented the findings of their latest study in the sleep disorders category at the Sleep 2024 annual meeting. As per their results, a late sleep schedule is linked with greater sedentary behavior. Furthermore, insufficient sleep not only causes them to delay their routine tasks but also affects their eating behavior.

According to Julio Fernandez, clinical psychologist and professor in at Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey, Pennsylvania:

“Delaying sleep schedules is normal during puberty and adolescence; however, some adolescents delay their sleep schedule to an extent that they become misaligned with the day-night cycle, their social schedules, and responsibilities.

Additionally, he said:

“Our data supports that this lack of alignment may be associated with inadequate diet and physical activity, further contributing to the obesity epidemic and poor cardiometabolic health.”

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine

“Sleep is essential to health, and healthy sleep requires adequate duration, good quality, appropriate timing and regularity, and the absence of sleep disturbances or disorders. A delayed sleep schedule, characterized by sleep timing that is later than conventional or socially acceptable timing, is more common among adolescents and young adults”.

Researcher Fernandez-Mendoza found after his research that a proper circadian alignment is very important for the health of today’s teenagers. Furthermore, Fernandez-Mendoza said in one conference:

“Circadian misalignment of the sleep-wake cycle, and its associated variability in sleep duration, should be an integral part of interventions targeting poor dietary choices and sedentarism in youth,”

Teenagers must try to correct their sleep schedule to remain healthy. Furthermore, they should focus on their dietary habit as well. A high intake of carbohydrates is not good for their body health. When they have a good night’s sleep then they become more active during the day and do their tasks on time.

Therefore, it an alarming news for all those teenagers who have the wrong schedule of sleep and incorrect dietary habits. All teenagers must keep in mind that nothing is more significant than health in their lives. So, get good sleep and stay healthy and happy.


  • Pura Ballester-Navarro, Natasha Morales-Ghinaglia, Susan Calhoun, Jason Liao, Alexandros Vgontzas, Duanping Liao, Edward Bixler, Julio Fernandez-Mendoza. 0165 Association of Circadian Misalignment with Diet and Physical Activity in Adolescents. SLEEP, 2024; 47 (Supplement_1): A71 DOI: 10.1093/sleep/zsae067.0165