According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNtech Covid-19 vaccine booster shots are 90% effective against Omicron infection.
These booster shots will reduce the need of visiting a hospital in emergency by reducing the severity of infection. Furthermore, these shots will decrease the chances of deaths due to this new variant of corona virus in above fifty people, CDC.
According to the latest data, the vaccines are more powerful fighters against Delta variant than Omicron one. The booster shots are helpful in such situation to give people some protection.
On the other hand, some other countries and Israel also suggested that these booster shots of Covid-19 vaccine are effective in preventing hospitalization and serious illness.

As per the suggestion of various doctors and scientists, these vaccine booster shots are perfect for those who are above fifty. All people above twelve years old are best for boosters, CDC.
Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist in Yale University, said that the overall data of countries showed that people are getting benefit from boosters, especially in U.S.A. The number of cases in recent data is the proof of the efficacy of these boosters.
The CDC Friday’ results are based on the facts explored by their three latest researches. One study among them analyzed the visits of emergency departments of hospitals and other urgent medical care units and hospitalization. The data for this study is based upon the number of hospitalizations from August 26th , 2021 to January 5th, 2022.
Some people from the scientific community are saying that there is a need to vaccinate the unvaccinated people to prevent the spread of Omicron. But, scientists are trying to protect those who are already in secure zones. However, the experts said that booster shots can prevent the spread of Omicron.